Other Writing
“Swan Song for a University: On Carolyn Dekker’s ‘North Country.’”LARB (June 2023).
“Miscarrying the Marriage Plot,” co-authored with eight brilliant University of Denver undergraduate students: Julia Curry, Rose Frasier, Jenna Janssen, Andrea Jones, Anna Marie Oakley, Kathleen G. O’Donnell, Juliette Pisano, and Katherine White. Romantic Circles Pedagogies (June 2021), reprinted in Sensibilities (June 2022).
“On Dirt & Dora.”Annulet (April 2021).
“A Piece of the Action: Rachel Feder Interviews Sarah Knott.”LARB (July 2019).
“Brightly Starred.”The Rambling (May 2019).
“Fantasy Girls.”BLARB (April 2019).
“Leakers.”Avidly (October 2018).
“Wordsworth on the Radio,” in Rock and Romanticism: Blake, Wordsworth and Rock from Dylan to U2, ed. James Rovira (Lexington Books, 2018).
“Zonkey Romanticism.”Romantic Circles Pedagogies Commons (April 2017).
“Practicing Infinity.”Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 34 (2016), 195-200.
“The Poetic Limit: Mathematics, Aesthetics, and the Crisis of Infinity.”ELH 81.1 (2014): 167-195.
“The Experimental Dorothy Wordsworth.”Studies in Romanticism 53.4 (2014): 541-559.
“Tweet Storm,” Glass: A Journal of Poetry
“Monotreme Dreams,” Lammergeier
“We Are Seven,” The Rambling
“Stars: They’re Just Like Us,” Dilettante Army
“Elegy for Trees,” Overheard Lit
Bad Romanticisms, a serial poem about pop culture, Romantic literature, and nostalgia, came out from Astrophel Press in 2018. Check out an excerpt in OmniVerse & contact me for a PDF version if you’d like to read the whole thing.
Words With Friends came out from dancing girl press in 2014.